How to Start Teaching Meditation

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What is Meditation?

Before you can start teaching meditation, you should first consider what it is and its benefits. Over time, students will be able to witness a variety of improvements in their lives like increased mental clarity, reduced stress and anxiety, pain relief, better sleep quality, and more. The best part is that everyone can learn how to meditate—no matter who they are or where they’re from. It just takes a little guidance!

Benefits of Teaching

There are many benefits of teaching meditation and mindfulness that go beyond simply earning an income. For example, you can help others learn skills they may use throughout their life. Plus, you’ll be gaining new insight into your own practice as well. Ultimately, teaching meditation is a wonderful way to share your knowledge with others and deepen your understanding at the same time.

Must Haves for Learning

Teachers who teach mindfulness or meditation often require some special tools—meditation cushions, specialized CDs, DVDs or playlists, Tibetan singing bowls, and so on. Still, you probably have most of what you need at home already; your living room is a great place for a classroom (some people even do group meditations in their living rooms!). And if you’re considering teaching online, you will want to have a streaming service like Zoom, a webcam or camera, and a good mic. It also helps to find a teacher with whom you feel comfortable to enhance your teaching skills before launching into teaching others how to meditate.

Popular Misconceptions

There’s a myth that meditation has to be arduous. You may have heard it takes years of discipline before you can experience benefits. Another myth is that meditation is only for saints and hermits who don’t mind giving up most of their worldly possessions. But all of these myths are wrong and they prevent people from trying out one of nature’s greatest gift, namely relaxation and stress reduction. The truth is that meditation can be done at any time, when done regularly. can have long-lasting health benefits.

Grab the moment.

6 Steps to become a

Meditation Teacher

I have helped many meditation teachers gain their certification and start their holistic businesses. Learn the 6 things you need to do to get certified and begin teaching meditation. Turn your dream into a business.

How Much Does It Cost?

Depending on your location, you may be able to teach for free in exchange for donations. Or, if you have extra money that you’re willing to invest, consider renting a space and investing in a little bit of gear—this is how some high-end meditation teachers and centers get started. To start teaching meditation classes full-time, expect startup costs of around $500–$10,000+ depending on your location and scope of business.

Courses and Workshops on Teaching Meditation

You can market yourself as a meditation teacher by offering meditative workshops or by teaching meditation in a class setting. Classes and workshops can be held in yoga studios, community centers, and other places of worship. If you don’t have your own studio space, consider sharing space with another local business that will help attract people to your classes or workshops. You can also advertise in local newspapers and magazines, or ask local business owners if you can leave flyers in their establishments (Pilates Studios, Massage Studios) to get the word out about your classes and workshops.

Where Do I Find My First Students?

Whether you’re just starting or you’ve been teaching for a while, getting your first students is a major focus. Here are some tips and pointers that will help you find your first batch of students and new referrals. If you live in an area with yoga studios, start there. (Sometimes it takes a few months to really see results from marketing.) If they don’t offer meditation or have room in their schedule to accommodate clients ask them if they know anyone who might want private sessions – lots of people end up giving up classes once their practice has settled down – so ask around! Join Meetup groups – events that already bring like-minded people together! Reach out to your network (via facebook, email, text etc) to let them know you’re hosting classes. Sometimes our biggest supporters are friends and family and friends of friends (ie. Referrals).

Can I Make Money as a Teacher?

It is a myth that you can’t make money teaching meditation. There are actually multiple ways you can make money while teaching others how to meditate. You can start your own business, get a job at a workplace or school, or even teach in your free time. If you start your own business teaching meditation, the sky is the limit. You can make as little or as much as you want depending upon your offerings (memberships, workshops etc), how much you charge and how many students you attract. Let’s say you decide to offer one 45-minute class Mon-Fri in the evenings. If you start out charging $15 per class with a class average rate around 10 people per day, that’s $150 per day or roughly $750 per week for 5 classes. That’s $3000 per month with just one class a day Mon-Fri. Now, of course you have to add in any expenses that you incur like marketing and administrative costs. But there are many teachers and studios out here that are doing this and more. Ziprecruiters has the annual Meditation Teacher Salary at $56, 042 and going as high as $112,500 . The sky is really the limit.

Final words about Teaching Meditation

If you’re considering teaching meditation, there are a few things you should know. When it comes to finding clients, word of mouth will help you get your first few clients. But keep in mind that one or two classes probably won’t earn you much income (although every little bit helps). Secondly, make sure that you feel comfortable asking for payment before committing yourself to any specific number of sessions and setting an expected income. Lastly, it’s important to showcase and provide value to your students; however, don’t be afraid to get creative when teaching. People want authenticity and will be attracted to you through your style or unique way of teaching.

If you found this article helpful and you’re interested in learning more about teaching meditation or deepening your practice, check out our Meditation Teacher Training Certification. It combines meditation teaching, chair yoga, holistic coaching and counseling methods and small business management skills. The best part is that you can become an internationally certified Meditation Teacher and teach anywhere in the world in just 6 weeks.

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