
It’s time to kickstart a new lifestyle

Check out our coaching and healing services to help you heal and step into a deeply fulfilling version of you and the life you feel inspired to live! Book a FREE Discovery Call to learn more!

Choose Your Service and Get in Contact Today!

Meditation Coaching

Wanting to deepen your meditation practice and customize it to suit you? We can help you learn a meditation style that’s right for you, put this into practice through an empowering consistent meditation routine, release any doubts and limiting beliefs that hinder you from practicing regularly, and help you to show-up for yourself as a master meditator who can meditate on-demand. Book a FREE Discovery Call to learn more!

Stress Management Coaching

Feeling overloaded and overwhelmed? Work 1:1 with us to help you move from feeling stressed-out to feeling more empowered and relaxed on your own terms. We help you bring more balance into your life by identifying areas in your life that could use a little TLC, creating an inspired action plan to achieve your goals, teaching you a multitude of stress management techniques to get your stress levels under control, and help you release any blocks or limiting beliefs holding you back from living a fully balanced, less-stressed life that you truly enjoy. Our goal is to help you win and feel calm in whatever it is you love and feel inspired to do & be on your own terms! Book a FREE Discovery Call to learn more!

Mindset & Success Coaching

Ready to step into the most fearless, powerful and limitless version of you? We can help you get there so that you can stop playing small. From releasing those old outdated mental programs and beliefs that have no business in the reality you truly want to experience, to embodying the version of you that’s limitless, creative and fierce, and who can do, be & have it all. Yes, you heard right…you CAN have it all and it starts within you. So if you’re ready, let’s take a journey together and create a customized coaching experience for you to fully embody and live the life you feel soul-aligned with and destined to live. Book a FREE Discovery Call to learn more!

Intuitive Alignment Coaching

Do you feel confused all of the time? Never really know what decision to make or what’s best for you to do? Don’t always have clarity on situations? Or maybe you get intuitive nudges or gut feelings on things that steer you in the right direction but you can’t quite seem to connect to that part of yourself in consistent ways. If you’re wanting to get guidance on ways to tap into your intuition better- that part of you that just always knows what’s right for you, we can certainly help! Book a FREE Discovery Call to learn more!

Manifestation Coaching

Maybe you feel at the top of your game and you’re wanting to experience more. Or maybe you’ve heard alot about manifestation but don’t really know how you can create more of the things you desire with more ease. If you’re open and ready to learn how you can create and manifest more in your life, we will work with you using various manifestation and TIME techniques to help you do just that. Book a FREE Discovery Call to learn more!

Private Meditation Sessions

Wanting a more private feel to your meditation session with 1:1 guidance and meditations customized to any issue you want help moving through? We got you covered. Get in contact with us to book your session!

  • $75/hr
  • $45/ 30mins

Chakra Balancing

Chakras are energy centers within our body that allows energy to flow through. Our bodies have seven major chakras that are associated with different functions within the body. They also influence our bodies at the cellular level, our organs, and nervous system, and affect our feelings and thoughts.

Chakra Balancing aids in releasing stuck and blocked energy in each of the chakras to restore balance and wellbeing to the mind, body + spirit. I use sound healing techniques to rebalance the chakras throughout the body.

  • $111/hr
  • $65/ 30mins

Reiki Healing

Reiki is a powerful ancient stress reduction and energy balancing practice used to bring the mind, body and spirit into harmony and balance. This touch therapy service is great for those wanting to feel more grounded and relaxed throughout their whole being. Reiki promotes the flow of energy throughout the body and has a restorative effect on our health and vitality.

  • $111/hr
  • $65/ 30mins

Private Sound Bath Session

Sound Bath is a deeply immersive meditative experience designed to soothe and relax the mind, body and spirit with the vibrations of sound. It is a very powerful and restorative practice to nurture your whole being. This private experience entails lying down in a comfortable position and relaxing into the healing sounds of the sound bowls nestled around you. This is a powerful experience that ignites every particle of your being, attuning it to the high vibe frequencies the sound bowls emit. It is a deeply restorative experience that you will undoubtedly feel throughout the body.

  • $108/hr
  • $60/ 30mins

Sometimes Healers Need Healing!

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Multi-talented with a diverse set of skills, I don’t know anyone like Kerra and I HIGHLY recommend a session or class with her as I know the experience will be clarifying and life-changing. As a highly sensitive, introspective empath I can easily overthink and live in the land of thoughts when I’m trying to process a human-level experience. My coaching session with Kerra was absolutely INCREDIBLE! The session was much more than I expected, and exactly what I needed. During our talk, it felt as if Kerra seamlessly shifted from therapist, to spiritual advisor, to coach. She combined the practical with the mystical for me—an engineer + creative + longtime spiritually-centered student of Zen—and guided me back to my higher Self. Kerra has this intuitive ability to see the layers of an issue, identify potential factors causing the challenge without judgement, and facilitate supportive processing by connecting you to a relevant and helpful healing practice or exercise. It was a beautiful experience and I’m so grateful. Thank you Kerra! You are simply the best.
Selena Sage
Zen Author

Get the Guide designed to Help You Get Consistent With Your Meditation Practice in Less Than 15 Minutes a Day!

Creating a meditation routine is easier than you think. Our easy-to-follow tips, step-by-step instructions, and practical worksheets will help you create a mental wellness routine that empowers and recharges your mind, body and spirit each day.

  • Steps to Create a Meditation Routine
  • Progressively Master 5 Meditations
  • Plan your Routine Daily & Weekly
  • Gain Clarity & Relaxation

We Are Experts In The Field Of Meditation

Learn how to meditate and teach with us today! We teach meditation newbies, hobbyists and established professionals meditation and stress management tools, chair yoga, holistic counseling and coaching methods, and small business management skills!